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Are you #kulturhungrig?

A year (almost) without theater. No acting, no singing, no dancing, no music. Silence in front of, on and behind the stage. Because culture is not a nice accessory in our society, but a staple, the Friends of the Berlin Theaters have started the initiative #kulturhungrig: All friends and the audience of the theaters, opera houses and concert halls to call, write, perform, and beam the expression of their anticipation of an imminent opening to the world …

… and let all artists and cultural workers know that they are anything but forgotten. Join in and share your personal testimonials and short clips on social media using #kulturhungrig! Here are some inspirations to complete:
– I miss…
– Without culture is like…
– I’m hungry for…
– I am looking forward to

The friends of various stages in Berlin and of course we are looking forward to your contributions!

#kulturhungrig is an initiative of the Friends of:
Berliner Ensemble
German Opera Berlin
German Theater Berlin
Comic Opera Berlin
Neukölln Opera
Radio Symphony Orchestra Berlin
Schaubühne at Lehniner Platz
State Ballet Berlin
Berlin State Opera

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