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Oh the big fishWere soon caughtAs the small fishSwam through the nets Özcan and Samir, two boys from Neukölln, chase after happiness – by any means necessary, legal or illegal. Özcan is a rapper, so a bit of gangster is part of the game. Samir’s girlfriend Linda is pregnant and he wants to offer the […]

Premiere on 13. February 2025.
To 16. March 2025.

“Da gibt´s kein aber und kein nein”

“Da gibt´s kein aber und kein nein”

Curt Bloch, born in Dortmund in 1908, studied law and was banned from working in his profession from 1933, which applied to all people of Jewish faith. After increasing hostility, he fled to the Netherlands. When the systematic deportations began after the invasion of the Wehrmacht in 1942, Curt Bloch went into hiding. In his […]

Premiere on 09. March 2025.
To 09. March 2025.



Pelvis forward. Back straight. Barbell to hips. Lower down. Repeat. Don’t cry. Pain is just weakness leaving the body! Three sets of eight repetitions. Calories burned 168 kcal, weight loss 23g. These, you wimp, are deadlifts. Life is a gym: this is not a place to play. This is work. The will subdues the body, […]

Premiere on 03. December 2024.
To 14. February 2025.



What gives us meaning, where do we seek stability – especially in these turbulent times? Bach would have a clear answer to this. But does it still count today?Follow us into the lobby of the Hotel Heaven. At five o’clock at night, three guests meet by chance, but is there such a thing as chance? […]

Premiere on 14. November 2024.
To 05. January 2025.

ABGESAGT: Musiktheater vernetzt: Der Teufel aus islamischer Sicht

ABGESAGT: Musiktheater vernetzt: Der Teufel aus islamischer Sicht

Wie sieht er aus und was macht er? Ein Gespräch mit Prof. Ufuk Topkara über den Teufel in Berlins zweitgrößter Glaubensgemeinschaft. Moderation: Bernhard Glocksin Prof. Dr. Ufuk Topkara lehrt vergleichende Theologie an der HU Berlin. Nach dem Studium der Geschichtswissenschaften und Philosophie an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin und der Harvard University promovierte er im […]

Premiere on 21. November 2024.
To 21. November 2024.



A young German-Turkish woman studies law. The law should protect me, should protect everyone – this is the motivation for Seyma, who grew up in an environment characterised by patriarchal violence. In her first case as a defence lawyer, she takes on the defence of a suspected pimp and internationally wanted human trafficker. This brings […]

Premiere on 22. September 2024.
To 08. November 2024.



Dead silence. Berlin in silence. White noise on the radio. Music has been banned. Only the birds are allowed to sing. But from the barricaded cellar of the Neuköllner Oper, a group of young people are taking to the streets in resistance. In the blue hour between day and night, the subversive movement that calls […]

Premiere on 17. October 2024.
To 20. October 2024.



What is a father? And what is he not? Did my father love me? A great theatrical evening of encounters and emotions unfolds between musical, drama and dance. The text by the successful author couple Lutz Hübner and Sarah Nemitz is accompanied by epochal songs from pop history from Fats Domino, Bowie, Beatles and Queen […]

Premiere on 05. September 2024.
To 12. October 2024.

Ocaña, Queen of The Ramblas

Ocaña, Queen of The Ramblas

Ocaña was an artist, rebel and drag queen, whose life and work made a mark far beyond Barcelona and Spain, which at the time was beginning to free itself from the rigidity of a patriarchal, authoritarian regime of General Franco.
We celebrate Ocaña’s 75th birthday on 24 March 2022 and two more performances with Joan Vázquez as the queer icon and Marc Sambola, guitar, in a guest performance of the successful production of our Catalan co-producers OBNC, directed by Marc Rosich.

Premiere on 25. July 2024.
To 27. July 2024.



Zwei Menschen stehen sich in aller Verletzlichkeit gegenüber, eine Sängerin und ein Sänger. Im Zentrum: das dunkle Märchen von Herzog Blaubart und seine Opernversion von Béla Bartók. Darin die verschlossenen sieben Türen. Was liegt dahinter verborgen? Was Blaubart verstecken will, will Judith entdecken, aufdecken, enthüllen und lässt dabei die Stimmen verstummter Frauen zum Leben erwachen. So werden Blaubarts Türen nicht durch seine Waffen, seine Folter, Macht oder Trauer definiert, sondern durch die Selbstentäußerungen, Schaffenskraft, Freude und Größe fast vergessener Frauen.

Premiere on 22. May 2024.
To 20. July 2024.
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