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Casting Clara

Casting Clara

Wunderkind, piano virtuoso, composer, wife of Robert Schumann, mother of eight children, professor and working almost until her death at the age of 76 – Clara Schumann. Who was this power woman of the 19th century?

Premiere on 15. August 2019.
To 20. September 2019.



An evening of failures large and small, setbacks and of dealing with grief – we follow Orpheus into the realm of the dead and save what can be saved.

Premiere on 31. May 2019.
To 31. May 2019.

9 Tage wach

9 Tage wach

He had a relationship with her for years after the first failed childhood love. Growing up at the gates of Dresden, Eric Stehfest came into contact with the party drug Crystal Meth at the age of 14 in Neustadt…

Premiere on 11. April 2019.
To 19. May 2019.



The whole city is talking about Elfie. But she really doesn’t care. Because it’s not true, because no one understands, because no one is interested in what drives and what suffocates her about these people and this city.

Premiere on 31. January 2019.
To 03. March 2019.

Ocaña, Queen of the Ramblas

Ocaña, Queen of the Ramblas

Barcelona, you gorgeous and rebellious city, what has happened to you and your stars? At a conference for urban history in Berlin, a speaker remembers the “wild” years in the 1970s, when Spain dared to free itself from the rigidity of Franco’s dictatorship, the counterculture whose illustrious star Ocaña, the artist, rebel and drag queen: Ocaña

Premiere on 12. December 2018.
To 25. January 2019.

Der Diktator

Der Diktator

92 years after the premiere, the young director Ariane Kareev questions the contemporary contexts of manipulation and seduction in politics and in private life in her thesis production.

Premiere on 07. November 2018.
To 05. December 2018.



Stella is 20 years old when Hitler decrees that Berlin is to be finally made “free from Jews”. Stella is blond and young and beautiful and wants to become a singer. Or a film star, like Marlene Dietrich. But the Goldschlag family does not receive a visa. Instead of her dream of a big career, Stella gets a yellow star

Premiere on 04. October 2018.
To 04. November 2018.



Black to blue, that is the dawn over Berlin in the already legendary lines of text by Peter Fox about the way back home through grubby streets after a night of excessive partying. For F., the hero of the piece, the blue of the day beginning turns back into black. He passes out – and wakes up surrounded by the whiteness of a clinic…World Premiere 23.11.2016

Premiere on 09. June 2018.
To 18. July 2018.

A Live Talk

A Live Talk

The city is on fire but Nero’s good mood show offers his audience exactly what they need the most in these chaotic days: a good feeling…World Premiere 17.05.2018

Premiere on 17. May 2018.
To 01. July 2018.
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