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OPERA FOR SALE – Die Webserie

OPERA FOR SALE – Die Webserie

Recently, the rent cap was overturned … Find out what else is driving the rental madness in the web series OPERA FOR SALE, our musical real estate infotainment (music: Yuval Halpern, lyrics/direction: Felix Krakau).

Premiere on 30. July 2020.
To 03. September 2020.

Die Fleisch

Die Fleisch

New arrangement of the drama of the girl Ayamé who is forced to work as a prostitute to pay off the debts of her dead father. All efforts of her bridegroom to free her from the bordello fail and the young couple is left with only one other way out, a traditional Japanese one.

Premiere on 01. August 2020.
To 16. August 2020.



Windows open, fresh air in, music theatre out: From now until the start of the season, every Friday at 19.19 there will be a sneak peak in our upcoming programme – in the inner courtyard of the Passage!

Premiere on 12. June 2020.
To 24. July 2020.



What would the city be without a Google campus, and what would Kreuzberg be without a few people who have little sympathy for it?

Premiere on 14. February 2020.
To 19. May 2020.

Opera for Sale

Opera for Sale

Berlin in the not too distant future: the city has lost the battle against international investors, has been upgraded. The Neuköllner Opera House also became a share deal – the new owner of the building invites to an exclusive music theatre event for a widely travelled audience: authentic music theatre as it used to be…

Premiere on 12. March 2020.
To 15. May 2020.



An evening of music theater about the loss of home and the sense of belonging; a story about identity and growing up.

Premiere on 16. January 2020.
To 23. February 2020.



Do the good ones still have to die because the mean ones just can’t bear to be so small in spirit? DRACHENHERZ wants to pursue this question and has borrowed the great story of the Siegfried Saga in order to retell it in the here and now and above all with today’s means of the musical.

Premiere on 20. November 2019.
To 02. January 2020.

Amnesie Atlantis

Amnesie Atlantis

Performing a play about the war and actually only singing Abba?. Dig into the rubble and come across Atlantis. In the middle of Berlin.

Premiere on 18. October 2019.
To 26. October 2019.
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