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Wunderkammer IX:
oder vom Ende Der Wunder

© Sabrina Rossetto

Hasn’t it always been a dream of mankind to escape its own limitations? Will it be fulfilled in this century, when nanobots repair the body and transhumanism promises eternal life? In the Wunderkammer der Jetztzeit, the Humboldt Laboratory in the Humboldt Forum with its forest of exhibits, we invite you to a parcours that leads to musical, scientific and performative images, experiences and encounters: In doing so, it guides us through sound worlds of the Teichmann brothers and the multi-instrumentalist Sebastian Lange to automata and today’s robots. Based on ideas from the Renaissance and the Enlightenment as well as concepts of transhumanism, the WUNDERKAMMER takes a look at the “immortal human being” – in the field of tension between technical-scientific feasibility, ethics and faith. What value do we want to assign to ourselves, to human life even in its limitedness and imperfection? And what impulses could be given by other than techno
perspectives give?

WITH Dipl.-Pol. Christopher Coenen (Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse am KIT), Prof. Dr. Regine Kather (Universität Freiburg / Philosophisches Seminar) and Music by Gebrüder Teichmann (Live-Elektronics, sound objects) and Sebastian Lange (wind instruments)

CONCEPTION Bernhard Glocksin, Sabrina Rossetto, Christopher Coenen MODERATION Bernhard Glocksin

Humboldt Labor at Humboldt Forum
10178 Berlin

Access via Passage (Portal 2 and 4 on the north and south side)

in cooperation with

kindly supported by

An event within the WUNDERKAMMER series in cooperation with

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This event is part of the WUNDERKAMMER series, which – spread over several seasons – focuses on different aspects and phenomena of the world.   

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