The Schreib:maschine is an open stage for musical authors and composers. Old hands and new up-and-coming plants of the creative scene show first rough drafts of the potential next hit production. The stage is open to all those who devote themselves to the genre of musicals and want to try out musical-dramatic works in front of an audience with professional standards. The evenings mostly show insights into 4-6 highly different works, which thus also reflect the diversity of the scene. The scenes and songs are usually interpreted as readings with piano accompaniment. During the break and after the show there is room and drinks to exchange experiences and make plans.
In 2010 the Schreib:maschine was founded by Kevin Schröder, Friederike Harmstorf and Robin Kulisch. Since 2015 the Open Stage is presented by the German Musical Academy and moderated by author and composer Tom van Hasselt.
Admission: 10 Euro, 8 € for members of the Deutsche Musical Akademie.