What came first: tree or seed, summer or winter, supply or demand, “big bang” or “big bounce”, the hen or the egg? We don’t know either. But to get to the bottom of these circular questions, the vocal ensemble THE PRESENT will not only take you on a journey to the egg house in Spreepark, but also through romantic song cycles, pop sounds and the eternal return of various TV show formats from recent decades.
In its usual witty manner, THE PRESENT takes a look at our linear present and musically and playfully considers the cycles to which our lives are actually subject – daily, monthly, yearly. You can look forward to reality TV with a classic concert character, outstanding voices, quirky guests and absurd presenters.
Experience the conflicts of cyclical beings in a linear system. Search for the “most exuberant, lively and world-affirming” version of yourself. And shout “insatiably da capo” with THE PRESENT (and Nietzsche).
Olivia Stahn, Hanna Herfurtner, Amélie Saadia, Florian Götz and Tim Karweick
A production of Neuköllner Oper in cooperation with