The Neuköllner Oper Kinder Klub invites children between 10 and 15 years:
We will invent a musical theater piece together with director Verena Schonlau Talamonti and composer Yuval Halpern during 6 rehearsal weekends and perform it at the Neuköllner Oper.
Just write our production manager Carola Thiede
Mail: / Tel: 0162-777 42 97

NOKK ist kindly supported by


Big river – a small town in the Wild West – mirrors our society as well as the Big City Berlin: Everything runs quietly its course – until 2 old acquaintances return from abroad. The balance tips. Within a very short time, everyone wants to see everyone on this poster:
2020: WER WAR’s
A musical whodunit. After eating in the school cafeteria, the students suddenly feel sick.
What happened?

2019: HELD/IN?!
The play was dedicated – like the musical Drachenherz, which was running at the same time – to the question of whether these super guys still exist.
2018: ALLEIN
We took up a serious topic that “the big ones” also dealt with in the regular playbill (WOLFSKINDER). What is a world without parents like? At first an adventure and almost unlimited freedom, but then of course also fear and loneliness. What could be done about it? Does merging into a group help? And how to determine where to go? A group of 12 girls and boys met over six weekends to develop the play ALLEIN together with the director and theater pedagogue Verena Talamonti, which was first presented to friends and relatives and then presented as part of the art and culture festival “48 hours Neukölln” on June 24, 2018.

2017: Taylor
Successful premiere of the new production of the oldies (12-15 years old). They performed the piece again in public together with the “new ones” (8 – 11 years old) for the festival “48 Stunden Neukölln” – in our new rehearsal space, the Remise at Uthmannstraße 12.
2016: Der Wald der Verwunschenen Kinder
Over the course of six weekend afternoons, the children, under the guidance of Lajos Talamonti and Michael Kessler, invented music, movement and play for a piece that they then presented on our stage: The Forest of the Enchanted Children – a mini-magical as part of the art and culture festival “48 Stunden Neukölln”.

As part of the Berlin Mondiale project initiated by the Council for the Arts and the Refugee Council Berlin, the Neukölln Opera developed the MISSION B project. In its second year, it was created together with 7 to 12-year-old children from the transitional residential home Radickestraße (IB) in Adlershof. The work focused on fairy tales with their interculturally common protagonists.
In the third year, workshops were held for refugee women: In terms of content, they dealt with roles: what images of the other exist in me or in the others, how can I playfully deal with them.
This project was led by theater educators Kristina Roehl and Helena Klaßen
Berolina Hotel
Next to Mission B a film entitled Berolina Hotel was produced about the everyday life of home residents in the IB Radickestraße temporary dormitory, the script of which was developed by Afghan filmmaker Ghafar Faizyar together with home residents*and staff*. The public film premiere took place on 3 November at the premises of the cooperation partner Alex-TV.
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As part of the Offensive Kulturbus, it is possible to organize a free round trip from the daycare center or school to the respective cultural venue for individual performances. Please contact us for further information and/or to arrange an appointment.