Bjørn de Wildt was born in 1980 in Stavanger, Norway, grew up in the Netherlands and graduated there in 2008 as a director at the Fontys Theaterakademie Tilburg. He developed theater productions for festivals and for the Dutch independent scene, taught as a theater lecturer at the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences and acted in various (youth) theater productions. Since 2011 he has been working as a freelance director and theater educator in Berlin, working for various houses such as Neuköllner Oper, Theater Strahl and junges Deutsches Theater. The production ‘Orpheus Optimal’ with the Young Ensemble of the Neuköllner Oper has been invited to the Theatertreffen der Jugend and the Rampenlichter Festival in 2019
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Das größte Zwischen überhaupt
Das größte Zwischen überhaupt
Gizem: The prom tonight is still school, but tomorrow morning it will bereal life.Bo: You mean that it will change at some point, tonight?Fjodor: Click, just like that?Bumblebee: Like the numbers on the clock suddenly jump to zero, but it’s not like that.Debbi: The in-between has already started and will only stop again later.Ash: And […]
To 24. September 2022.